Sunday, July 28, 2013


It is Important to be Flexible!

I have not been able to post for the last few days because I found out on Thursday that I needed to teach a 2/3 combo class instead of a straight 3rd grade.  

With a mix of nervousness and excitement, I went about the business of changing my entire classroom over to a combo class.  I was so happy I used the dry erase markers on my name tags (did I have a premonition?) 

With some help from my 20 year old son, I was able to get everything ready just in time for sneak a peek! I enjoyed meeting the new students (they are so young!) and look forward to seeing them on Monday.  

I have always been very flexible, but this change has tested me already. With a new grade level comes new challenges.  I need to remember to breathe, slow down, de-stress (TGIF!) and be FLEXIBLE!  Just call me a rubber band is my motto.  

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A classroom almost complete! 

This year, I decided to laminate my name tags first so that I can use a dry erase marker to write names.  With the movement at the beginning of the year, I always end up changing students or student numbers and running out of name tags.  Until my permanent class is worked out, I can erase and rewrite names and/or numbers.  Once my class seems like it is stable, I will write the names with a sharpie.  Problem Solved! 
Pardon my newly painted toes! 

I also decided to make three extra "set-ups" in case I get new students after the year more scrambling! 

Finally, I completed the back to school treat bags for Sneak a Peek!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Spelling Homework

Spelling Homework Menu
Directions:  Choose one activity to complete each night for homework, Monday-Thursday These activities will be completed in your spelling journal and turned in every
   Friday.  Underline your spelling words.  You must choose a  
   different  activity for each night. 
Silly Sentences
Write your spelling words in silly sentences for each one.  Please underline your words! Have fun!! J
My dog wears a blue and purple dress when he takes a bath.
3 Times Each
Write your spelling words (neatly) three times each.
Pyramid Writing
Choose half of your words and write each of your words one letter at a time and add one more each time.
Find a synonym or antonym for each spelling word.
Different: Antonym=similar
Discuss: synonym=talk
ABC Order
Write all of your spelling words in ABC order. Or in reverse ABC order.
Write a Story
Write a story using all of your spelling words

Rhymes Writing
Write your words and a rhyming word.  For example: men-pen.

Alliteration-Tongue Twisters
Choose half of your spelling words and create a tongue twister.
Seals: Sally saw some seals by the sea.
Spelling is Valuable!
Write each spelling word and its value.  Vowels are 2 points and consonants are 1 point.
Fourth = 8 points

Choose half of your words and create a word search.
Make sure to print out your word search.
Syllable Division
Divide each of your spelling words into syllables.  Use a dictionary for help if needed!
Colorful Words
Write each of your spelling words with each letter using a different color.
Part of Speech
Choose half of the words and write the part of speech next to it.
(noun) president
(adjective) beautiful

Read and Response prompts to use this year in third grade

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Insomnia Anyone? 
It is almost time to go back to school!  I always start the year with a bit of nervous excitement.  On the one hand I am anxious to meet a new crop of third graders, but on the other I am always worried that I won't get everything done before the first day.  Each night before school starts I will invariably have insomnia and struggle with the recurring nightmare of going to school in my pajamas, hair sticking up all over and breath stinky from not brushing my teeth.  

Planning is the Key to Sleep Filled Nights

Some of the things I do to ease the transition is to make sure that I am fully planned for the first few days well before the start of school.  Planning eases my mind and allows me to release that stress from my thoughts! However, we always have that uncertainty in our planning, such as duty schedule or which hoops we need to jump through the first two weeks.  

Pinterest, while making me feel totally inadequate and inferior, does offer many new ideas for the first day of school and beyond.  I am faced with decisions such as whether or not to buy cookies for 32 students for the first day or do I have time to fill bags with Starburst to show students how thrilled I am to have them with me for third grade?  Wait...I am doing what I said I would not do! I said I would never join or exploit the joys of Pinterest!  Dangit! Oh well, I have gone to the dark side never to return to the world of non-Pinterest.  

I also spend much time perusing Target, Staples and Office Depot.  We all know that we can only buy supplies this cheap once per year and no teacher wants to miss the boat and run out of glue sticks in December!  Is it me or does it seem that there are not very many good deals this year?  I always stress about finding the "perfect" deal on folders or glue sticks, only to find that I can only buy 10 at a time.  I will have to drag my entire family to the store to purchase the 35 I will need of any one item. Sometimes,  I will need at least 4 sets of folders or notebooks which means I will need at least 8 friends to join me at Staples, for three days in a row (feel the sarcasm?)

So today I am pondering whether to run to Target, Office Depot, or Staples- or.... just stay at home and enjoy the last breath of summer.  It will be gone in a few short days.